

The RedAlkemi blog is a collaborative space for contributors to submit unique and insightful content on digital marketing, graphic design and web development trends and tips. If you blog about or publish content in this space, contribute to the RedAlkemi blog today! Email us at

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FAQs About SEO Answered

SEO, the acronym for search engine optimization is not a new term. But what is SEO and how it works? SEO is a process that is carried out to make a we...

Search Engine Optimization for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

Online search marketing has gained popularity over the years and from being a novelty some years ago, is now a standard feature in our daily lives. Al...

7 SEO Secrets for Small Business Websites you Must Know!

Running a small business is no easy feat as resources, staff and time is limited for marketing. Several businesses, hence, just focus on the running o...

8 Steps to Improve Google Ranking & SEO of Your Website!

How can one improve a website rank on Google? Are there any quick and easy solutions to get to the top of Google? No. There are no tricks to move to t...

8 Steps to Follow for Thorough Keyword Research!

Keywords are the foundation on which content is created and it becomes necessary to choose keywords wisely, keeping in mind factors like keyword searc...

4 Pointers That Explain how Search Engines Work!

SEO (search engine optimization) is a technique of optimizing website or web pages in order to improve the visibility of your website in web searches,...

Quick Tips for SEO – Part 3

…Continued Every brand experiences the same problem: you launch the site, create content and customize it, but the problem of online rankings st...

Quick Tips for SEO – Part 2

…Continued It’s just the right time to be looking into search engine optimization strategies to give your website the boost it needs, and give...

Good Links Vs Bad Links: Keep your Link Building Strategy Effective & Safe

(Updated on July 13, 2017) Most website owners who are engaged in their online website promotion would be familiar with the fact that having good inco...

55 Kick-ass Tips for Search Engine Optimization

Let’s admit it, we are all suckers for quick tips, whether beauty or cooking or DIY. So why not when it comes to web design and SEO knowledge. SEO o...

Importance of SEO for your Online Business

Importance of Search Engines and SEO: Search engines are the gateway to the Internet. They are the first tool that potential customers use to find the...

SEO – Where to add relevant keywords on the website?

In the world of Paid Advertising, one cannot ignore the power of organic search results which definitely drives relevant traffic to the website a...
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