Social Media Etiquette Every Brand Should Follow!

We have all been taught basic etiquette and manners to help us survive a social situation, but when it comes to socializing online, it’s a whole different aspect. Every social media platform, over time, creates a set of unwritten rules to abide by, it’s up to us to find out what they are. Here is a set of some of the most basic etiquette that will set your brand apart from the rest.
Think before you post
Just as you’ve been taught to think before you speak, exactly like that you should think before you post anything online. Things on the Internet are permanent and always have consequences, so take into consideration the relevance of your post to your target audience. Try posting content which your audience is expecting to see and do not underestimate the effectiveness of social media marketing as it can shape the future of your online presence.
Automatic messaging is a big no no
Followers today can easily identify an automatic message and these might seem cold and unwelcoming. It’s a sure way to lose out on your fans because it comes across as spam. So, even if these automated features seem tempting, avoid them as much as you can to make a good impression.
Prompt responses increase goodwill
Make sure you respond to comments and messages on your social media pages to continue the conversation. Your quick response will be highly appreciated by your audience and will help in establishing a healthy relationship between you and your fans, much like managing telegram members in a community.
Mind your language
Abusive language can harm your brand value considerably. Keep an eye on the kind of language that you use online, don’t bad mouth anyone, even if you don’t agree with them. Be respectful while responding to comments.
Post shareable content
Every post has elements that help make it shareable. Stick to character counts, use images and videos, add suitable hashtags.
Go easy on the hashtags
Hashtags are great when used judiciously. Using a hashtag more than once can make it look annoying and distracting. Pick your hashtags carefully and don’t repeat them within a single post. With the exception of Instagram, 1 to 2 hashtags are more than enough for a post.
Don’t post too much
When you share too much, which is possible, the Facebook algorithm will cut down on the number of times your fans see your post in their news feed. Even if you have a large number of fans, very few are seeing your content and if you’re not doing paid promotions on your page then that number is even lower. Spread out your posts over the day and don’t post more than once every two hours.
Follow only when required
Following each and every one you come across can come across as spammy behavior. This can also crowd your own news feed with irrelevant content. Follow only those profiles that add value to your social media status.
Use the first plural when talking about your brand
We and Us make you sound bigger and adds a team spirit to your brand, besides being the grammatically correct way to refer to your brand. Using first plurals won’t turn into a disadvantage of social media marketing campaign, so go ahead and make it sound big!
Avoid using your competitor’s hashtags
Using your competitor’s hashtag will lower your and their brand value too. Run your own campaigns with your own hashtag to make a mark in the social media world.
Don’t like your own posts
It’s the equivalent of laughing at your own jokes, which can be particularly awkward when no one else is laughing.
Don’t ask for likes, comments or shares
There was a time when asking for these were fine and acceptable, but it isn’t anymore. Now you need to be subtle about your call to action.
Give credit where credit is due
This is especially true when it comes to curating content. Someone put in the effort of creating that content, so proper attribution is the polite thing to do here.
Don’t tag random people on random posts
Tagging people on your promotional posts is spamming. This is especially true if they have nothing to do with the post. So unless it’s an image of them or content written by them, don’t tag. And as a general practice, ask people before tagging them on anything.
Match the tone of the conversation
It’s all about communication, just as you won’t speak joyfully to someone who has just suffered a great loss, so should you match the tone of the conversation you are about to join. A formal forum calls for a formal tone and a casual one calls for a casual tone.
Always say please and thank you
The power and importance of these words do not change whether you are online or in the physical world. They can make a huge difference in your online communication.
It’s important for us to consider these points while interacting online with your fans. It’s what makes the difference between an “okay brand” and a “great brand”. It increases the value of your brand and challenges you to come up with unique ways of communicating online.
Have we left out any points? Tell us below in the comment section and if you are looking for someone to manage your online presence, get in touch with us!

RedAlkemi was created out of the desire to deliver measurable online success to its customer base. The founders consider themselves the alchemists who work with passion (Red) to develop processes (Alkemi) that turn a basic digital presence to a measurable and successful one, therefore the name RedAlkemi.
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