Marketing Research Without The Cost of Money

Free market research is a reality available to everyone. The importance of market research is that it is the main source of full and objective information about the market. You can rely on this information when making decisions, creating promotional materials, developing products or services, and in many other cases.
In principle, it is of course possible to conduct business and do all of the above without market research, relying only on intuition. Intuition is a good advisor, but it does not give specific numbers, but only indicates directions. You would like to know the numbers because they allow you to calculate and plan everything, but you don’t want to spend money on it.
What do you do when you don’t want to spend on marketing, but you want to have numbers? In this case, you can do completely free marketing research. It is very easy and simple to do it yourself. Your own salesperson or sales manager can do free market research.
How to conduct free market research
Sales managers and salespeople are constantly in close contact with customers, and thus with the market, and it is not difficult for them to gather the right digital information from the market. Only “pumped up” specialists can conduct high-quality research because without it they will not know what to ask customers and will not be motivated to do so.

If they are not motivated, then you have to pay check stubs, which means that market research becomes a paid service, and that is not our goal. Our goal is free market research. A pumped-up sales manager and salesperson is personally interested in getting information from customers, which means he will do everything for free.
What free market research provides
A perfected specialist begins to work in the interests of the company, not just for the sake of making money. The implementation of new functions by a salesperson or sales manager gives a lot of advantages to the company, advantages that were unknown before. For example, a pumped-up salesperson will be able to get information about new ideas that consumers are now excited about.
Getting information about new ideas introduced to the consumer is one of the most important areas of marketing research because an idea is the basis of business and the basis of business processes. If they used to say – he who owns the information owns the world, now they say – he who knows what ideas excite the consumer – owns the world.
Getting information about new ideas that excite consumers is very difficult and very expensive if you do it through intermediaries rather than on your own. If you do it through your vendor, then no money is needed. On the contrary, you can even make money by reselling information about new ideas to interested companies.
Free market research for business development
A trained salesman can imbue customers with a unique idea that only your company can distribute. Under this idea, of course, only your product will fit. Competitors will not be able to sell their goods. Accordingly, a pumped-up salesman eliminates competitors long before the sales process begins.
And in case your idea is unique, if it has no analogs, the competitors can be eliminated once and for all and not worry about them anymore. This is because the idea will be tied to your brand, and you can always control your brand. The point of being tied is that no other way your idea can be implemented.
The bonuses you can get by doing free market research are many and well worth taking advantage of. You don’t have to spend anything, but you can earn a lot. If any questions arise during the research, you can always get professional advice on marketing and detailed answers to them.