Learn how to Write Engaging Content for Social Media!

For a business to have a well-established social media presence, engaging content is one the most important elements that need to be present. Social media is a platform for your brand or business to connect with its audience, and this engaging takes place through content! If you fail to offer engaging and useful content your users, they are likely to move on to other pages, blogs or websites. For your business to really thrive in the right direction, you must offer engaging content.
If you have a knack for writing interesting content or sharing your experiences through stories, you’re already a step ahead in learning how to write engaging content. At the same time, it is a tedious task to maintain a large reader base and have their full attention for all your content.
To deal with this, it can help to know about the trends on social media to know about the latest happenings in the social media marketing world.
Here’s how you can write engaging content:
Thorough research
A great way to find out what kind of content your audience enjoys is to look at how your content has performed in the past. Dig into your social media analytics to compare your posts and identify the kind of content that performed better than the rest. Not only does this narrow down on what your audience really likes, but also makes you understand them better. This is important, because at the end of the day “consumer is king” and your audience is going to help you grow your business online
Once you identify the kind of content that performs better than the rest, you can focus on the next step!
Catchy headline
Your headline is what makes your reader click on your blog or post. If your attention is not catchy enough, your content is bound to receive less clicks by your audience. Spend time coming up with an interesting or catchy headline for your content.
How well your article or content engages with the audience all depends on the heading. If you’re not sure about what to use as your main copy for your content, ask yourself what kind of headlines tempt you to click on those links. Although it is imperative for your headlines to be catchy, however, they must be accurate and relevant to the message you convey through the content. Be careful about luring your audience into reading something through false headlines as this can make them angry and take to your social media page to rant about being misguided.
Take the time to formulate a couple of headings and see which one suits your content the best!
Tell a personal story
As a reader, it’s natural to be interested in content based on true stories or experiences, especially when it is about a brand or business. For a brand, sharing its journey to success, struggles and opportunities is a great way to connect with the audience. When trying to build trust with your readers, stories help because they add a personal touch. This gives your audience the idea that you are willing to build a relationship with them. Stories also bring you closer to your readers as you end up sharing experiences or thoughts that are close to you or your brand.
When you tell a story, you automatically grasp your readers’ attention!
Written content alone cannot help make your content engaging. In today’s scenario, with the attention span of humans constantly decreasing, photos and videos perform better than written content. This is because it takes lesser time to consumer a graphic, image or video than it takes to read a blog or journal. So to really engage with your audience of the 21st century, you must create interesting graphics. These can even be infographics, animation clips or videos!
For brands that constantly need to discuss facts and statistics, infographics are a great way to deliver your message to your audience. They are short, crisp and serve the purpose of getting across the message.
New topics
Monotony either in the strategies of a business or nature of content can hinder the growth of a business online. To constantly increase your reach in the online world, you must come up with new content for your audience. Very often, the internet is swarmed with blogs, articles, graphics and videos revolving around the same topics as last month. For a business to stay fixated on a particular topic can be quite a turn off for its readers. Instead, approaching various trendy topics from different perspectives is a good way to drive traffic to your content.
While choosing your topic, it is also important that the topic be something that can be discussed by a community. Content that sparks a discussion or controversy is great content because it results in high engagement by the audience. Know what kind of content to share on social media.
Share some statistics
Sharing statistics is always beneficial for both the brand and the business. When encountered with facts and statistics, readers feel like they are being offered authentic and accurate content. This helps build trust and authority for the brand. Sharing figures and accurate data with your audience also lets them know exactly what the scenario is. For example, if you write a topic on the various social media platforms, sharing statistic that reveals the most popular social media platform among the users will give them the exact numbers. When adopting this technique, always be sure to mention the source from you found the data, and that the data is indeed credible.
Be precise and clear
As a writer, you should know not to beat around the bush! You must be well aware of your motivation behind the content you are creating. Stick to what you are offering to your audience through your content. If you are discussing a problem, focus on the problem. If you are discussing the solution, focus on the solution. Losing your focus can make you drift and that can result in your readers feeling disconnected.
Stay focused on a single element of the topic that you want to highlight through the blog.
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