How To Upgrade Your Brand In 2022

Stagnant growth is no less than a nightmare for all types of brands today. Creative efforts have allowed brand identities to resonate hard with their target audience. As a result, the importance of brands, their presence, and their identity has increased.
It is vital that your brand stays true to its purpose and is relevant to the times. It will help them survive and thrive in the endless pool of brands, especially in 2022 and onwards.
So is upgrading your brand a way to stay relevant in the market? Well, yes. Upgrading your brand is the key to making it bigger and better. Although different types of brands engage in diverse ways to update, they all have a few things in common.
Following is the list of 5 things that you can do to upgrade your brand in 2022 –
1. Make The Slogan Relevant
A slogan or a tagline is a reflection of your brand. It represents its ideology, purpose, and promises. Over time, your brand may change its perspective, but the slogan might not resonate with it. Another reason for brands to upgrade their tagline is if it never struck the right cords in the first place. Ensuring that your slogan is simple, catchy, and representative can be a task. But when accomplished, it can change the outlook of the brand identity.
L’oreal, for example, changed its slogan.
Before – Because I’m worth it
After – Because you’re worth it.
The initial slogan was catchy and representative, so why change it? It failed to put its customers at the center. The word You, in the revised slogan, placed more emphasis on its target audience.
Uber has made many changes to its slogan.
Initial slogan – Everyone’s private driver
Updated slogan- Get there. Your day belongs to you.
Current slogan – Connecting you with the people, places, and things you love.
The point is to have a slogan that is representative of your brand and its promises.
2. Introduce New Communication Strategy
To keep up with your target audience, you must communicate and speak their language. When does effective communication take place? Only when the message received by your audience is the message you wanted to deliver. The crowd will only listen if it catches its interest or if it is relatable. The global pandemic has tweaked the tones of several brands. This has altered their brand identities too.
Brands have moved towards a more empathetic approach. Their communication made their audience feel that they stood with them and by them. It comes as no surprise why tweets from Zomato go viral. At the heart of their unconventional yet effective, witty tone lies the intent to interact. The timing of their tweet is perfect and makes appropriate use of reverse psychology.
3. Become Employees First
It is needless to say that employees are your flag bearers. They represent and carry forward the ideals of the brand. In its tricky way, their word of mouth and referrals shape your brand identity. Because if they do not believe in you, nobody else likely will.
The work environment you create for them is proportionate to their efficiency. Hence taking care of your employees is essential. Google hosts one of the most engaging workspaces, and one can learn a thing or two from Google.
4. Audit Your Content
It is only recently that SEO and other tools have come to the forefront. Audit your existing content so that it ranks well and does not only exist somewhere on the internet. The content you share should be relevant because people love consuming new content. Weaving the right words can change your game.
Another reason to audit can be a change in the tone and agenda over the years. As a brand, one of the most effective tools you can use is words. Relevant words that reflect the voice of your brand and its purpose will attract traffic. Remember, content is the ultimate king!
5. Tweak The Visuals
Fine-tuning your visuals is one of the most effective ways to upgrade brands. Vibrants in the world of pastels would not stand out, would they? Your brand visuals identity is the face of your brand. It is the first impression of your brand. Websites become flat and attract low traffic when you do not update them in a long time.
Make changes to the typography, color palette, size of the fonts to create a new look. Tweak the visuals to make them more interesting, and increase user interaction. Hire UI/UX designers who can execute your vision and make it a worthwhile user experience.
To Conclude
Brands must keep upgrading themselves now and then to remain on the top of their game. It is vital to maintain identity congruence. The greater the identity congruence, the greater the value a consumer can derive from the brand. It will attract your consumers. What works for a brand now might not work for them in a few months or years. Their adaptiveness and all-inclusive nature will determine how relevant they are.
Your slogan is the voice of your brand. Your communication strategy is the key to attracting and retaining your audience. These two are indispensable tools. Your employees are more than your workforce. They are the people who believe in the brand and carry it with themselves wherever they go. Auditing your content is to weed out the unwanted. Visual identity is the face of your brand. Ensure it reflects what your brand is.
How will you upgrade your brand in 2022? Do let us know in the comment section.
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