Functional and Non-Functional Testing: Differences, Challenges, Tools

Functional and Non-Functional Testing: Differences, Challenges, Tools

Milena Golushchenko
September 18, 2024

With so many apps being built every day, the need for reliable, high-performing software is bigger than ever. Software quality is no longer just a bonus — it’s an absolute necessity. That’s why testing must be an integral part of every software development lifecycle, no exceptions.

Experienced providers offer a combination of non-functional and functional testing services to guarantee that the software fulfills its intended purpose while performing ideally in various situations. 

Functional Testing Explained

The activities within functional testing aim to check the software against pre-determined requirements. Within this type of examination, experts check each application’s feature by providing appropriate input and comparing the output with the expected results. The scope of work includes assessing the core functionality of the system, user interactions, data handling, and the general operation of the application. 

There are several types of functional tests that serve different purposes. 

  • Unit — evaluates separate components to prove they work correctly by themselves. 
  • Integration checks how different components interact with each other. 
  • System — validates the operation of the complete software system to make sure it functions as expected in practical scenarios.

Practical example

A vivid example of functional testing is trying out the checkout process on an e-commerce website. Let’s say the requirement is that a user should be able to add items to the cart, enter shipping details, choose a payment method, and complete a purchase.

The QA specialist would:

  1. Add items to the shopping cart.
  2. Proceed to the checkout page.
  3. Enter valid shipping information (name, address, etc.).
  4. Select a payment method (credit card, PayPal, etc.).
  5. Submit the payment and verify that a confirmation message or receipt is displayed.

The expert would check if the system correctly processes the inputs (e.g., product quantities, shipping details) and produces the expected outcomes (e.g., the correct total price, successful payment confirmation). The test passes, if the checkout functionality works as required; it fails, if there are issues with cart management, data handling, or payment processing that need to be fixed.

Non-Functional Testing Explained

Non-functional testing checks how well an application performs, how secure it is, and how easy it is to use. It also looks at the things like compatibility and accessibility. Unlike functional testing, which verifies that features work as they should, the non-functional approach is all about how the system behaves in different practical situations.

The main purposes of non-functional testing are to improve user experience, make sure the system is secure and scalable, and guarantee that the software performs efficiently in different environments. Specialists have to check aspects like load times, response rates, security vulnerabilities, and ease of use, to name a few.

There are several types of non-functional tests. 

  • Performance — checks how the system operates under normal usage (load testing) and under abnormal conditions (stress testing).
  • Security — identifies potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. 
  • Usability — evaluates how easy and intuitive the system is for end users. 
  • Compatibility — ensures that the software works across various devices, browsers, or platforms. 
  • Accessibility checks whether the software is usable by individuals with disabilities.

Practical example

A non-functional testing services company may conduct a range of tests for an online store during a high-traffic event like Black Friday.

The goal of performance checking during this critical sales event is to confirm the website can handle a surge in visitors without slowing down or crashing.

  • In load testing, QA engineers simulate thousands of users browsing the site simultaneously, adding items to their carts, and proceeding to checkout. It’s necessary to measure how the website performs under normal and peak loads, checking if pages load quickly, the shopping cart updates correctly, and the payment gateway processes transactions without delays.
  • In stress testing, experts push the system beyond its normal capacity by simulating even higher traffic than expected. It allows determining how the website works in harsh conditions — whether it slows down, crashes, or handles the load gracefully.

Popular Tools

Functional testing tools
Non-functional testing tools
Appium, XCTest, Robot Framework, QTP
(QuickTest Professional), TestComplete,
Selenium, Cypress, Protractor, Nightwatch,
TestCafe, Cucumber, TestNG, Ranorex,
Mocha, Jasmine, Postman, SoapUI,
RestAssured, JUnit, pytest, Karma, XCTest
LoadRunner, JMeter, Gatling, NeoLoad,
TestComplete, BlazeMeter, AppDynamics,
Dynatrace, IBM Rational Performance Tester,
Silk Performer, Sonatype, SonarQube,
SQLMap, Burp Suite, Nessus, OWASP ZAP,
QualysGuard, Invicti, Snyk

The Importance of Combining Both Types

Combining functional and non-functional testing is key to building solid, high-quality software. Together, these methods give you a thorough picture of the software’s reliability, efficiency, and how ready it is for real-life use.

Neglecting either type can lead to significant issues: software may fulfill its functional requirements but suffer from performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, or poor user experience. These oversights can result in costly post-release errors, user dissatisfaction, and potential reputational damage. So, integrating both functional and non-functional checking into the software development process is key to making sure the product works as intended and performs great in real-world environments, delivering a seamless and secure user experience.

Best Practices for Effective Test Planning and Execution

  • Start with clear, detailed requirements to write accurate test cases and set measurable non-functional criteria.
  • Automate repetitive tasks to save time and cut down on mistakes.
  • Focus on high-risk areas so you can tackle the most important parts of the system first.
  • Keep test cases updated as requirements change to stay accurate.
  • Involve cross-functional teams (developers, testers, and stakeholders) in planning to cover all the bases.

Common Challenges in Conducting Functional and Non-Functional Tests

In functional testing, one big challenge is dealing with incomplete or vague requirements, which makes it hard to come up with precise test cases. Plus, QA specialists often struggle to cover all possible user scenarios. On top of that, tight deadlines and the rush to get the software out the door can lead to hurried or insufficient results.

For non-functional verification, challenges include simulating actual conditions, such as high traffic or security threats, which require specialized tools and expertise. Measuring non-functional attributes like usability and scalability can also be subjective and complex.

AI's Impact on Software Testing

Software testing has not been left out of modern trends and has also come under the influence of artificial intelligence. QA engineers are already actively using AI tools, making the process faster and improving accuracy. AI can even adapt to changes in code and test environments, continuously learning and getting better.

Bringing AI into software testing is a big step forward. It helps automate and improve many parts of quality assurance, making the process faster, more accurate, and more flexible. AI’s ability to adapt and keep learning makes it a must-have for modern software development, helping QA teams gain the upper hand.

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