Content Editing Checklist
Creating meaningful content entails extensive research by writers and though considered a dream job, it is not everyone’s cup of tea! Apart from different writing skills a writer also needs to have an original touch to the articles, persuasive and well-researched content. The information has to be precisely worded and accurate, be it for a product, a business or for a blog. Just a flair for writing is not sufficient because content writing involves an entire toolkit of skills.
Editing an article is a crucial aspect of content writing. It should be accurate, clear and precise, gripping the attention of the reader instantly. The preliminary step is to check the website & remove the outdated content pages. It is important to do because having outdated content pages will make a bad impression of your Brand on readers, which definitely is not a good sign for brand promotion. Listed below are a few tips which should be kept in mind while content editing:
Client requirements
When writing about a product description, a catalog or a business keep in mind the requirements of the client and how to market the product most effectively.
Re-read content
Once completed, go through the article for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes and to check if there is consistency. The flow of the article is important for smooth reading.
Ask questions
After reading, ask yourself these questions:
- Is the relevance of the content as per the requirement?
- Have the keywords been incorporated in the article?
- Are all the major points covered?
- Are the subheadings good enough to attract the target audience?
- Is it interesting enough to engage the audience?
A positive answer to these questions ensures good content and if in doubt, make the necessary changes.
Correct grammar
Grammatical and spelling errors reflect poorly in the well-researched content and need to be completely avoided. For those that struggle with these issues, these content editing tools are recommended for the correct grammar check of the content:
- GrammarCheck: https://www.grammarcheck.ai/
- Grammarly: https://app.grammarly.com
- Ginger Grammar Checker: https://www.gingersoftware.com
Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarized content is not just bad for any writer but the employers too. It can ruin your reputation and career. Hence it is advised that before submitting your work use online programs for checking any plagiarism in the content. Two effective content editing Softwares for this are:
- PlagScan: https://www.plagscan.com
- Plagiarism software: https://www.plagiarismsoftware.net/
Proper punctuation and use of comma
Over and under-usage of commas is a mistake many writers do not understand the importance of and should be avoided at all costs. Punctuation plays a major role in the formation of good content.
Avoid filler words
Another important aspect of content writing is ensuring the article is crisp without the use of too many filler words like actually, probably, like, really, so, but, and similar. The content appears shoddy with excessive words such as these.
Stress on active voice
Active voice is the preferred medium as it gives greater clarity to the content and prevents confusion in the minds of the readers. A final reading of the content is imperative to check for any errors.
If this article of has been useful then visit https://www.redalkemi.com/ for more tips.

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