
Benefits of having an In House Marketing Team

Marketing needs a constant push to be successful. A piecemeal approach is not the way forward. Businesses around the world are moving towards in-house marketing. Almost 91% of European marketing decision-makers have moved a part of their marketing in-house. However, a sound majority of marketers still believe it is a passing trend. Let us try to uncover the truth and see is there is more to the numbers than what meets the eye!

Digging out the Most Striking Benefits of In-House Marketing

Rise of Significance of Data

Data has become a vital asset and there is an increased reluctance in businesses to share their statistics and other vital metrics with outside agencies. They do not want to part with their digital control and other vital customer information with any outside agency. In this age, there are multiple ways in which you can connect with your customers and every touch point is significant. As a business, you cannot afford to compromise on any.

Alignment of Work-culture with Branding

This is one of the most significant reasons why businesses have come back to their home teams to handle marketing efforts. Many businesses often face a challenge to explain their core requirements in alignment with their vision to other agencies. On the other hand, it is at times also stated that the professional marketing agencies bring their vision and newer insights that can serve as an eye-opener for businesses and they do not come loaded with a specific tunnel vision that is a big drawback. Businesses require a proper balance of both views and it has been seen that external agencies find it hard to reach an immersion.

There are times when you have to get back to your teams and discuss some urgent trends or competitor strategies that have started to hurt your results. Such meetings that happen at short notices are not possible with outsourced teams. As a result, the speed of work is much faster when you have an in-house team.


Marketing communications like banner ads, social media handling, website promotions, captions, etc. happen much faster and at a much better cost than hiring an external agency. There are times when companies are not able to hire people effectively. Unless the teams are led by experienced professionals they are not able to show any significant outcomes. Working with in house teams is more cost effective for a lot of businesses.

Dedicated Creative Team

Imagine a creative team that is dedicated entirely to your work and is in sync with your company culture, values, mission and business objectives. There are businesses where the employees hold stakes in the company. This spurs them to put in more efforts to make success possible as against outside agencies. These teams show an extreme level of dedication and commitment to make the mission of the company complete which is hard for people to create who are not working full-time with the company.

Barriers to In-house Marketing Process

But there are some barriers to the above that have actually made the businesses to step out of their comfort zones and hire agencies who are experts at handling different marketing peripherals and aspects. These experts are able to work on your requirements and provide you with the best solutions in the market as they have access to the latest market statistics. This leverage is at times not possible with in-house teams as they are not exposed to that level of data. Also, in-house teams usually do not have experts in all fields. So, the output does vary at times, of course, unless you hire team experts, which again might prove a costly affair. Not to ignore, the rising overhead costs of hiring so many new professionals.

These barriers are glaring and they stand tall to claim that one has to strike a balance of the two extremes based on your business needs. Outsourcing will force you to work at the pace of the professional agency and there are chances that some vital deadlines are missed. In-house teams being dedicated to only business projects often deliver well.

So, your decision to hire an in-house marketing agency against outsourcing the same will depend on the time, the type of project, the expertise needed, and of course, the costs involved. You really need to reflect on many aspects before you make your mind. A little step in the right direction will make a major effect on your whole marketing effort.

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