
6 Tips to Build the Perfect Video Marketing Campaign in 2018

If you spend enough time on the Internet these days, you’re bound to notice that videos are taking the lead in terms of the type of content most enjoyed by users. The statistics on video marketing are enough proof that Video Marketing is trending in 2018. Video marketing will account for more than 70% of consumer traffic. Mobile video ads will grow 5 times faster than desktop and the landing pages with videos will have better conversion rate.

Video marketing is indeed spreading like a wildfire and we wouldn’t be wrong in saying that “Video marketing is the future”!

When it comes to consuming information or content, video content is easily recallable when compared to text or graphics. Videos are more impactful and are able to grasp a users attention easily. Due to this very reason, businesses over the world have started leveraging video marketing to grow their business and generate more revenue.

As a business owner, you should have a fair idea about videos marketing being the right choice for you. If you are an established business, you probably have the funds and resources for video marketing. On the other hand, if you’re a startup you may not have the required resources or funds. It is also a good idea to stay updated on the various trends in video marketing. For example, square videos are said to perform better than horizontal videos, and live streaming is an efficient way of grabbing a users attention.

If you’re all set to use video marketing for your brand or business, here are a few ways for improved video marketing in 2018:

Timing matters

According to research, users that arrive on your website and click on your video will only end up watching the first 10 seconds. This goes to show how short the users’ attention span or how low the level of interest may be.

Having said that, it is a good idea to highlight the crux of your video in the first 10 seconds. The video should be able to grasp the attention of your user or put the point across. Aim at raising the curiosity of your user if you want to get them to watch your entire video.


Before you create a video, understand the purpose of the video and what you are trying to achieve out of it. Are you trying to instill your brand in the minds of your customer? Are you promoting an upcoming event or sale? Are you getting people to sign up for a contest?

Put yourself in the place of your users and think about what goes through their mind when they click on your video. If you were the user, what would you look for in that video?

Remember to keep your content informative, interesting and relevant. Use the art of storytelling and build a relationship with your viewers. Don’t just focus on marketing a product or service.

Optimize videos

Like content, videos also need to be optimized with relevant keywords for both users and search engines. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google with millions of users on a daily basis. If you optimize your videos well, you have a higher chance of being discovered by your target audience or people looking for your products or services.

Make sure your videos are optimized in the sense that their meta descriptions, titles and keywords are incorporated. A detailed description, which contains relevant keywords, lets Google’s crawlers understand what your content is about and rank you accordingly.

Impart knowledge

One of the best ways to build a reputation for your brand in the online domain is to educate your users and create awareness about a topic or industry that your brand holds an expertise in. For example, on our YouTube Channel, we upload videos on various topics on Digital Marketing in the quest to spread information and knowledge.

Ask yourself, how often have you landed upon a YouTube video in search of a tutorial or answers on how to do a particular task? From learning how to bake cookies to understanding the big bang theory, YouTube videos are a great way of imparting knowledge and teaching. It is constantly growing as a platform for educating oneself.

Placement of call to action

As a business, your end goal must not be forgotten. Whether it’s more sign ups or more contact queries, there is an action that you want your user to take. These conversions of users will be possible by using the right call to action (CTA) and placing them in the right area.

Ideally, your CTA should be placed within the description section but it should also be mentioned in the first few seconds of the video. You can also place it in the last few seconds of your video as a reminder for your user.

In any case, it is essential to use a CTA on your video or description as it completes the loop of the users’ flow or process from start to finish.

Type of videos

Perhaps the biggest question you may have when it comes to videos is “What kind of videos should I be creating & uploading.” Well, one of the most common myths a business can have it to think that creating videos related to their product or service will help them market their business better. However, if your business fails to satisfy your viewers in terms of information, knowledge and interesting content, sooner or later you will notice a drop in the number of viewers on your videos.

Through your videos, focus on telling stories, building a relationship, educating and engaging your users instead of focusing on making a sale through aggressive marketing. In the long run, it is important that your business established a sense of authority and credibility in your industry, and this will only happen through educating and sharing knowledge.

If you think that strategizing for video marketing is a tedious task, then we can assure you it’s not! All you need is an organized to-do list of video marketing that lets you know what needs to be done.

We hope this blog helped you understand how you can plan and improved video marketing strategy for your business in 2018. If we missed out on something, let us know in the comments below!

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